Warehouse services /

We provide warehouse space both exclusively (stand-by formula ensuring always ready space waiting for receipt of goods) and on general storage conditions.


We provide full warehousing service, i.e. receipt, storage, service related to the packaging of products and shipments, issuing pallets / packages with a homogeneous and mixed assortment while maintaining their quality control and quantity. We provide short and long-term warehousing services.

Two locations

Prymasa Tysiąclecia 62
"Mors Wola"
(Warsaw - Wola)

Both locations are located in the communication center of Warsaw

This location means that our customers, their employees and contractors do not waste time and fuel on commuting to pick up the goods.

Działkowa 67
(Warsaw - Włochy)

Both locations are located in the communication center of Warsaw

Available warehouse space and additional services

We provide storage services based on a WMS class system

This platform facilitates product flow management in terms of:

It is possible to supplement the information in the system with photos sent by the customer or taken after being placed in stock.

Our customers have on-line access to the WMS system, which enables them to view stock levels and submit release and receipt orders.

The client's supervisor supervises the quality of orders and the flow of communication.

Warehouse operations are carried out using data collectors

This facilitates the storage, relocation and collection of products. An important factor is the verification of the correctness of the issued products. Identification of goods by scanning barcodes significantly reduces possible errors in order picking. Our clients represent various industries, and thus we have experience in servicing a diverse assortment.

We serve over 2500 SKUs, which represent such items as:


A service that is an indispensable element of comprehensive warehouse service. We also do it on commission, when it comes to a large delivery. Employees detached from their daily tasks, a conference room full of cardboard boxes, confusion in the office and disorganization of work – with us, you can avoid this. We will efficiently collect the goods from the customer, pack them in accordance with the guidelines and, after the service is completed, we will deliver them to the indicated place in the required quantities.

We specialize in supplementing missing leaflets and wrapping products that cannot be processed using automatic devices.

Scope of packaging and product refining activities (VAS)

Returns handling

Returns are not just undelivered shipments. Returns are an inseparable element of e-commerce since the Act on consumer rights guarantees the possibility of withdrawing from the contract. Many customers of online stores only after receiving the purchased goods decide whether to keep it or send it back. But for as many people shopping online, the possibility of returning the purchased goods within 14 days is also a motivating factor to make such purchases. Returns have become one of the factors that must be permanently included in online sales.

Scope of handling returns